Donnerstag, 8. November 2007


"Growth was seen as remaining sluggish during the first part of next year, then strengthening as the effects of tighter credit and the housing correction began to wane.

The Committee also saw downside risks to this projection: One such risk was that financial market conditions would fail to improve or even worsen, causing credit conditions to become even more restrictive than expected. Another risk was that, in light of the problems in mortgage markets and the large inventories of unsold homes, house prices might weaken more than expected, which could further reduce consumers' willingness to spend and increase investors' concerns about mortgage credit."


"In particular, prices of crude oil and other commodities had increased sharply in recent weeks, and the foreign exchange value of the dollar had weakened. These factors were likely to increase overall inflation in the short run and, should inflation expectations become unmoored, had the potential to boost inflation in the longer run as well."

Diese beiden Aussagen, gepaart mit den anstehenden Antworten auf die Fragen des Kongresses, dürften die Pat-Situation der Fed und die schwindende Hoffnung in den Bernanke-Put untermauern.

Der Dollar scheint diese Perspektive zu unterstützen.

Shortposition bleibt etabliert.